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Q: An organism that likes high salt environments?
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Organism that likes high salt environments?


What What kind of environments do halophiles live in?

Halophiles live in a high salt concentration.

What environment do halophiles live?

It prefes salt rich environments such as the dead sea or salt lakes.

What would happen to a single-celled organism if it were treat it with a high salt or high water solution?


Scientific name of salt loving bacteria?

Halophiles are bacteria that thrive in high saline environments, such as salt lakes or salt mines. Some examples of halophilic bacteria include species of Halobacterium, Halococcus, and Salinibacter.

Extreme halophiles?

are found in high salt environments 1) Salt lakes, soda lakes and brines -> Most require 9% salt concentration 2) Includes genera Halobacterium, Halorubrum, Natronobacterium and Natronococcus

What organism doesn't need high concentrations of salt to survive but can tolerate it?

The bull sharks in Australia are able to survive in both salt and fresh water

How are freshwater environments and saltwater environments different?

In a freshwater environment it is clean and in a saltwater it has salt.

How are freshwater environments and saltwater environments are different?

In a freshwater environment it is clean and in a saltwater it has salt.

How do monera adapt to their environment?

Monerans are chemoautotrophs. Methanogens and Sulfur Reducers have adapted to withstand extreme heat, Halophiles have adapted to high salt concentrations and alkaline environments, Thermoacidophiles have adapted to both high temperatures and acidic environments.

What is Haloquadra walsbyi?

Haloquadra walsbyi is a halophile which is an example of an extremophile. Halophiles are organisms that thrive in environments with high concentrates of salt eg, the Dead Sea.

Do salt water mollusc's?

Yes, salt water mollusks are able to live in saltwater environments. They have adapted to the specific conditions of these habitats, such as high salinity levels, and are able to thrive in them.