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It is dangerous for a ship to be too lightly loaded because then it floats with less volume inside water. As a result,its centre of gravity is higher and it may get blown over on its side by strong winds.Therefore, an unloaded ship is filled with sand or stones,called ballast,at its bottom.This lowers its centre of gravity so that the equilibrium of ship becomes more stable.

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Q: An unloaded ship is filled with sand at the bottom?
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Where is the hull on a ship?

The hull is the outer shell of a ship. It generally included the frames ("ribs") that form the ship's shape, and the outer planking (wood) or plating (iron, steel, fiberglass) that covers the frames and makes the vessel watertight and strong.

Why have many of georgias cities and industries grown up along the fall line?

The fall line was the furthest point that a ship or boat could come up the river. Goods were unloaded, carried above the fall line, and placed on another boat. This transfer point lent itself to warehouses and trading posts.

How does a submarine change its buoyancy?

The ship floats because of its large volume which displaces an amount of water that is more than its weight. That creates an upward force called buoyant force which keeps the ship on the surface.

'Blue lady' refers to?

Norwegian ship

Free surface effect?

Free surface effect affects the stability of a system due to change in centre of gravity of the system. it is generally used in respect of ships and crafts. The change in centre of gravity occur due to change in distribution of mass when a ship make movement. This movement may be due to sharp turns (operational) or due to the natural reasons such as wind or wave forces acting on the ship. The mass distribution in a ship changes due to the liquid heads available in the ship makes the movement. Since, the liquid head keeps it level in line with waterline thus centre of gravity of liquid mass moves with the movement of liquid head in the ship. This typically happens in the cases when ship is holding partially filled fuel tanks and water tanks. This causes instability and may leads to overturning of ship. To prevent the same, smaller capacity tanks are being used distributed properly arround the centreline. The hull should also be kept watertight under bad weather conditions

Related questions

Why a ship is filled with sand at the bottom?

maybe for ballast, or maybe the sand is the ship's cargo

Why can't they build a ship with a cargo bottom filled with cat litter or sand having a large opening in front and back with absorbent substance in cargo hold -many ships- cause a funnel effect?

they can, but it may not be effective.

What is the name of place where ship is unloaded?

a port is the place where a ship unloads and loads goods.

Why as a ship in harbour is being unloaded it slowly rises in higher?

the ship floats because its weight per volume (density) is less than water. When unloaded its weight is less and Archimedes principle says a body is equal in weight to the weight of the water it displaces; less weight displaces less water so ship rises

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What is the difference between a container ship and a tanker ship?

A container ship carries packet containers that can be loaded or unloaded directly for rail , road or air transport.Tankers carry liquid products such as oil, crude petroleum etc.

Which animal is called the ship of desert and why?

I bet you it's a Camelbecause they're always used on the sand and they carry goods along the sand like a ship does.

What is a ship wreck?

a ship wreck is when a ship sinks and floats to the bottem of the ocean were it is filled with water and creatures of the sea.

How do you use the word sank in a sentence?

The ship sank to the bottom of the ocean.

Can you ship a firearm in your checked luggage?

Yes. It has to be unloaded and secured, you have to declare it, and the firearm itself has to be legal both at the point of origin and at the destination.

Can a ballast tank in a ship carry something useful or is it always just dead weight?

The ballast tank was originally filled with debris, rocks or sand just used to balance the ship so it was useless. Nowadays, water is most often used in the tank and in some cases, that water is later used for other purposes. A ballast tank is a compartment within a boat or ship that holds water. It can be filled or emptied in order to adjust the amount of ballast force..

Where is the hull on the ship?

the bottom