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why is there stones in the bottom of the santa maria ship

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Q: Why are there stones at the bottom of the santa maria ship?
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What kind of ship was the Santa Maria?

The Santa Maria ship was a Carrack also known as (Nao) which is portuguese for "ship."

What type of ship is the Santa Maria?

The Santa Maria was a "Nao" which is commonly know as a cargo ship

How many decks did the Santa Maria have?

The Santa Maria had 3 decks on the ship.

WHAT are facts about Santa MARIA?

the santa maria is very large and it is now at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean there are still some skeletons from people at the bottom of that ship. there is also treasure at the bottom, but if you go down there you better watch out- there are live spirits and ghosts that will haunt you forever

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The Santa Maria was known as a nao...

What ship was columbuses flag ship?

Columbus flag ship was santa maria.

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Columbus was sailing on what ship?

The "Santa Maria".

Which ship did christopher Columbus call home when he sailed with the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria?

the santa maria

What was the real name of the Santa maria?

The La Gallega was the real name of Columbus's ship the Santa Maria

What ship was christipher culmbus in pinta sainta maria or Nina?

Santa Maria

Christopher columbus ships the largest smallest which did he command?

The largest ship that Christopher Columbus had was the Santa Maria. He also in command of the Santa Maria. The smallest ship was the Nina and the other ship was the Pinta.