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The cornu is an ancient musical instrument very similar to the buccina.

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Q: Ancient musical instrument similar to the buccina?
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Where were the first windmills?

Alexandria, in Egypt. The first windmill was built by Heron of Alexandria in the 1st century (AD). His 'windwheel' operated an organ (the musical instrument). This was the first time wind had been used to power a machine in history! The first practical windmills (similar to windmills found today) were built by the Persians sometime during the 9th century. Persian geographer Estakhri noted the invention of windmills. There is one document (supposedly written between 634 and 644 AD) that suggest that windmills were invented in Persia in the 7th century. However, this document was probably created in the 10th century and, therefore, is unreliable.

How is the ancient Roman empire similar to the Ancient Qin Dynasty of China?

1. They both constructed roads for trading purposes. 2. They were both empires, and therefore had emperors. 3. Both empires were long-lasting 4. Both empires covered a great amount of land Hope this helps. :)

How is the building from the Renaissance similar to the building from ancient rome?

The architecture of the Renaissance (as well as the sculpture) was modelled on Roman architecture. The term renaissance means rebirth and refers to the rebirth of interests in the classics (the Romans and the Greeks) which started in Italy in the 14th century and then spread around Europe. The use of Roman models for architecture was further stimulated by the rediscovery of a textbook of Roman architecture by an ancient Roman architect, Vitruvius.

What rituals and traditions did medieval women have?

The rituals and traditions of women seem to be similar from prehistoric ancient civilizations till 1960s in rural communities of South Asia. Technical and professional jobs and farming had integrated role of women hence rituals and traditions are quite similar. We find very fine quality jewellery bangles and statue of dancing girl from Matured Harappan Civilization 1900-1300 BC in South Asia.

What is latifundia?

A large landed estate.A Latifundia is "a piece of property covering a very large land area, found today only in Latin America and Italy." They specialized in agriculture destined for export, and were run by slave labour. They are/were very similar to the Spanish haciendas.

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What classification is a buccina in?

A buccina is a type of horn or trumpet instrument that falls under the classification of brass instruments. It is a curved horn with a flared opening, similar to a tuba but with a different shape and historical use.

What is a suling wind instrument?

It is an Indonesian musical instrument similar to a flute.

What is the Jew's harp from To Kill a Mockingbird?

The Jew's harp referred to in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a musical instrument played by Scout in Chapter 14. It is a small, simple instrument that produces a twanging sound when plucked. In the book, it symbolizes the innocence and playfulness of childhood.

Is viola a food?

No; it is a musical instrument, similar to a violin.

Musical instruments starts with an e?

euphonium - a brass instrument similar to that of a tuba.euphonium - a brass instrument similar to that of a tuba.euphonium - a brass instrument similar to that of a tuba.euphonium - a brass instrument similar to that of a tuba.euphonium - a brass instrument similar to that of a tuba.euphonium - a brass instrument similar to that of a tuba.

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Select a renaissance musical instrument and a similar modern instrument. describe their similarities and differences?

A Lute - and a guitar.

How do you play the musical instrument baritune?

If you are referring to the stringed instrument that is anatomically similar to a Viola, then you play it as a Viola

Select a renaissance musical instrument and a similar modern instrument . describe their similarties and differences?

A Lute - and a guitar.

What was the most popular instrument in Ancient rome?

The most popular instrument in Ancient Rome was the tibia, a type of double-reed woodwind instrument. It was widely used in various musical performances and religious ceremonies. Other commonly used instruments were the lyre, a string instrument similar to a small harp, and various types of percussion instruments such as drums and cymbals.

What is a gloxinspiel?

Assuming you meant 'glockenspiel' - it's a musical instrument similar to a xylophone.