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I was in the doctor's office with local anesthesia and it took a week to recover.

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Q: Anesthesia for wisdom teeth
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Local anesthesia or general anesthesia for wisdom teeth remove?

That depends on whether it's done in the hospital or in the doctor's office.

Does wisdom teeth extraction require sedation?

Wisdom teeth extraction can, but does not always, require sedation. In some cases, local anesthetic in the gums can be used instead of general anesthesia. Full sedation is typically only required if one's wisdom teeth become impacted and need to be surgically removed.

What is a sentence you can use incomprehensibly in?

After having his wisdom teeth removed, James spoke incomprehensibly. The anesthesia had obviously not worn off yet.

You are 14 and your wisdom teeth are coming through and you wanted to know whether the denist will send you to the hospital for a general anaesthetic because you are totally scared of needles?

Most general dentists do not provide general anesthesia or sedation. You would want to see an oral surgeon for this. It is not unreasonable to want to be put to sleep for wisdom tooth removal, particularly if all four are removed at once. However, understand that anesthesia increases the risk of complications significantly. And it is much more expensive. Having said that, millions of wisdom teeth are removed every year, both with general anesthesia and without, and the vast majority are without problems. General anesthesia can make it a far less emotionally traumatic and far more pleasant. If you are totally freaked out about getting your wisdom teeth out, see an oral surgeon and discuss your options.

Can they take wisdom teeth out using just local anesthesia?

Yes, it is done all the time but it does depend on the dentist you are using and how many need to be removed at once. Some wisdom teeth are more difficult to get at and require a general anesthetic. Check with your dental surgeon for more information.

What are some side effects when getting wisdom teeth pulled out?

Swelling, soreness, some bleeding at first. Some people also become nauseous because of the anesthesia.

What happens when you receive general anesthetic during wisdom teeth removal while pregnant?

The risks are the same as when a woman is not pregnant. I don't know any risks related toward the baby. You can do local anesthesia instead, to reduce the risks of general anesthesia.

If wisdom teeth cause your teeth to get crooked Do your teeth get straight after you get your wisdom teeth extractions?

Not necessarily. Teeth tend to become more crowed as we age, especially the lower front teeth. This happens in some people regardless of whether they have wisdom teeth or not. Therefore, removing the wisdom teeth, solely for the purpose of hoping to get naturally straighter teeth, won't work.

What surgery did Jill and Jana duggar have?

Jana and Jill had their wisdom teeth removed.

Are there people who don't get wisdom teeth?

Yes, wisdom teeth or 3rd molars are the most commonly missing or deformed teeth.

Which four teeth are the last to grow in a persons mouth?

The wisdom teeth.

Are wisdom teeth baby teeth?
