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Some people, including many Christians, believe that humans have a privileged place in the universe. Typical of this belief is the idea that animals do not have "souls" and are therefore fundamentally different from humans. On the other hand, some people, including many Buddhists, believe that animals are as much a part of the universe as humans are and that we should respect them as we respect everything in existence. Between these two poles lie an endless variety of interpretations of animal rights. For example, some people believe animals should be treated kindly yet used, responsibly, as a food source. Key to answering your question is an understanding of who you believe is in a position to bestow "rights." Is it a government? A sacred tradition? Your personal beliefs? However you answer these questions, the fact that humans so often experience caring and sympathy for animals suggests that we should treat them with respect.

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Q: Animals and plants have as much right on planet earth as we do?
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