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Q: Another way to say it talks about?
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How do you spell 'talks about' in Spanish?

The best way to say "talks about" in Spanish would be Habla.

Does a guy like you if he talks about you to another person?

It depends if he's saying good things. If he has good things to say about you then he probably views you in a positive way.

Is it considered cheating if your boyfriend talks to a women in a romantic way through the phone but she lives in another country?

yes because even though she lives in another country he still talks in a romantic way to her over the phone.

What is another way to say you have?

you've got is another way to say you have.

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What is another way to say "address my concerns"? Another way to say "address my concerns" is to say "attend to my issues" or "look into my worries".

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et cetera is another way to say and so on

Is it considered cheating if your boyfriend talks to a women in a firting way but she lives in another country?


Is Ellie Graham Obsessed with sex?

i would say yes, just by the way she talks and acts.

What is another way to say events?

Another way to say 'events' is 'functions'

What is another way to say big words?

Verbose is another way to say big words.

What is another way to say horizontal?

Another way to say horizontal is flat, even, or level.

How does a black guy know if a white girls likes him on another level?

She talks to him, looks at him, smiles alot when he's around, and talks about him. She also might say so in words.