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To "commence" means to start or begin. Commences has the synonyms "initiates", "starts" or "begins". (Confusion may arise over the term "commencement" used for graduations, from high school or college. This is intended to indicate the 'start' of the next period in a student's life, i.e. after completing one's education.)

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Q: Another word for commences
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Is Commences a word rather than Commence?

Yes because the word "Commence and Commences"mean the same thing. But! some people have confusion by thinking of the word "Commencement" which means of a students life or Graduation.Be sure to spell/say it right for correction if any more help ask more Questions And you will happily receive your answers in no time! =)

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No. A borrower cannot "apply" for foreclosure. A bank commences a foreclosure when the borrower defaults on their mortgage payments.No. A borrower cannot "apply" for foreclosure. A bank commences a foreclosure when the borrower defaults on their mortgage payments.No. A borrower cannot "apply" for foreclosure. A bank commences a foreclosure when the borrower defaults on their mortgage payments.No. A borrower cannot "apply" for foreclosure. A bank commences a foreclosure when the borrower defaults on their mortgage payments.

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