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amble and stroll

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Q: Another word for walked slowly
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What is the word slowly?

The word 'slowly' is the adverb form of the adjective 'slow'.The adverb 'slowly' is used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb as not quickly.Examples:We walked slowly along the sidewalk enjoying the nice weather. (modifies the verb 'walked')The smell of slowly roasted coffee beans filled the air. (modifies the adjective 'roasted')He slowly deliberately inched along the ledge. (modifies the adverb 'deliberately')

What is another way to say slowly walked?

umm to doddel

What is another word for the word gradually?

Slowly or cautiously.

Make a sentence using the word slowly?

The car moved slowly along the winding country road.

How do you use a sentence with slowly?

She walked slowly through the park, taking in the sights and sounds.

What is another word for drinking wine slowly?

Sip ,

Is slowly an adverb?

Yes, "slowly" is an adverb as it describes the manner in which an action is done, such as "He walked slowly." It provides more information about the verb in a sentence.

What is the adverb in the following sentence We walked slowly to the library?

slowly-most adverbs end in ly an adverb is a word describing a verb

Is slowly a linking verb or action verb?

Slowly is actually an adjective, it describes the verb. For example, "she walked slowly" walked is the verb and slowly describes how she walked.

Is there a sentence with the word eerily in it?

The young girl walked slowly into the eerily, dark and spooky forest.

What is another word for walked through?

strolled into

What is the adverb of function?

An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. With verbs, an adverb indicates how, when, or why an action is done. For adjective or adverbs, an adverb specifies the extent or manner of the modifier. Examples: He walked slowly to the car. - slowly modifies the verb walked He walked very slowly to the car. - very modifies the adverb slowly He was extremely tired. - extremely modifies the adjective tired