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Q: Answers are because new knowledge and discoveries are continually being made?
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Why doesn't wiki know all the answers?

Because it's a continually growing site. New questions are asked and answered every day.

What is William Harvey 3 main discoveries?

please don't go on this because all of the answers are WRONG that's right I said WRONG

In the book hachet what does brian mean when he says discoveries happen because they need to happen?

When Brian says "discoveries happen because they need to happen" in the book "Hatchet," he means that sometimes circumstances or events align in such a way that new knowledge or insights become apparent or necessary for survival. It suggests that certain discoveries are a result of the situation and environment pushing an individual to uncover them.

Why are expirements important?

Experiments are important because they satisfy our curiosity, adds something to our knowledge, gives answers to questions.

How does Wikianswers know all the answers?

Because of the vast knowledge of members we have around the entire website, and because of this we are sure to be able to answer almost all if not ALL of them.

Why do people give such dumb and immature answers on wiki?

Because there are people out there that are dumb and immature and have a slight lack of knowledge! :P And they don't realize people are actually wanting legit answers. =)

Is there a WikiQuestions?

Well, no. Because....what would be the point of questions with no answers? We at WikiAnswers like to tell you what we know. We're egotistical that way, we love to share our knowledge.

Why do you want answers?

Because as humans we want to know all that we can, (or in other cases not know anything at all) but we all have a desire for knowledge in our self somewhere.

Why do you give answers?

Contributors give answers to questions because it helps the person who asked the question, and it is helping others who also want to know the answer, and by parting the knowledge by answering questions helps millions of people per day.

How to use continually in a proper sentence?

I'm unable to make my point because you are continually interrupting me. He is continually bringing home work that he should be able to finish during the school day. It's impossible to lose weight when you continually bring home baked goods and other junk food. They continually ask me to participate in the event.

Why does this website not give correct answers?

Probably because it is random people answering off their own knowledge. Initially some answers may be off track, but the more answers a question gets the more truthful the distilled answer can become. With all that input, eventually the correct answer should appear.

What is known as the kitchen of the cell?

The Ribosomes because they continually make proteins.