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Q: Antibodies are protein molecules that attach to?
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A specific protein that recognizes certain molecules?

There are antibodies and cell-surface receptors and enzymes; is there a more specific A. in view?

Do antibodies have a carbohydrate structure?

No, antibodies are proteins. They are Y -shaped protein molecules produced by B cells as a primary immune defense against foreign bodies called antigens.

Which RNA was soluble rna?

The RNA molecules that attach the amino acid to the protein chain are usually soluble.

Which are special molecules of protein produced by the immune system that match parts of pathogens and prevent them from infecting cells?

Antibodies are special molecules of protein produced by the immune system that match parts of pathogens and prevent them from infecting cells.

What protein carries oxygen in a RBC?

Iron actually helps oxygen molecules attach to red blood cells, so they can be transported through the body.

Antibodies can stick to?

Antibodies stick to any viruses or infections. They don't attack, but they are like homing devices. They track the diseases so white blood cells (the attackers) know where the diseases are.

Cell membranes are made up of?

a lipid bilayer - contains protein molecules & carbohydrates often attach themselves to these proteins

What happens next after the ribosome reaches the start codon?

tRNA molecules attach to codons.-apex

To what do antibodies respond?

Antibodies are secreted by a special group of white blood cells called lymphocytes. Each type of cell (including bacteria) has a unique protein on its cell membrane - an antigen. If a lymphocyte does not recognise a particular antigen, it will assume that the cell (or bacterium) is foreign and hostile. This is what antibodies respond to - the stimulus as the result of an unfamiliar cell. The antibodies attach to the antigens and kill the cell, or bacterium.

Which nutrient makes up antibodies?

Antibodies aren't made up of nutrients exactly, but are made of protein (different in structure from the protein you eat).

What is the functionality of antibodies produced by B cells?

These antibodies attach themselves to the bacteria, and flag them for destruction by other immune cells.

What are molecules that are foreign to your body called.?

Antigens Antibodies neutralize these molecules.