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Q: Antoine lavoisier gave what gas its name?
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How did Antoine Lavoisier recognized hydrogen?

he, like found it in a suit case with like Zacharaist and stuff

What 4 categories did Antoine Lavoisier use to classify elements?

solids,liquids, and gases Novanet

How does Lavoisier expose a mouse to a gas he collected from the mercury?

Why do you think lavoisier exposed a mouse to the gas he collected from mercury

When was O2 discovered and by whom?

ANSWER:Oxygen was discovered by two chemists working independently. They were Carl Scheele of Sweden and Joseph Priestley of England. Scheele's laboratory notes show that he prepared oxygen in the early 1770's by heating various compounds, including saltpeter, and mercuric oxide. But Scheele's experiments were not published until 1777. Priestley also published his experiments in 1777. He described how he prepared oxygen by heating mercuric oxide.Scheele called oxygen "fire air." Priestley called it "dephlogisticated air." In 1777, the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier named the gas oxygen.

Who are two famous scientist in chemistry?

Jābir ibn Hayyān may have been an Arab or Persian, and was born in about 721 in Tours, Iran, and died in about 815 in Kufa, Iraq. His expertise ran across a number of disciplines, and it is his practical work in alchemy that suggested to some that he is deserving of the title as the father of chemistry.Anyone familiar with the history of chemistry will know this remarkable man, but when the broad subject of chemistry is considered, we must come forward in history to find the father of what we consider chemistry today.As regards modern chemistry, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier heads a list of those most deserving of the title of "father of modern chemistry" and there are three other greats with him. Included on that list are Robert Boyle, Jakob Berzelius, and John Dalton. We should consider each separately and put a date to their activities to allow an investigator to catch a glimpse into the complexity of assigning paternity to the contemporary science of chemistry.Irish-born Brit Robert Boyle, who worked in the 17th century, is probably most famous for the gas law that bears his name. The Sceptical Chymist, his first book, was published in 1661. The Swede Jöns Berzelius worked across the 18th and 19th century. Anyone writing a chemical formula (like H2O) is using notation developed by him. Englishman John Dalton did most of his pioneering work in atomic weights and atomic theory in the 19th century. Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier was a pioneer in analytical chemistry, and stoichiometry and quantitative analysis were things that he brought forward. The Frenchman's work came in the latter half of the 18th century.

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How did Antoine Lavoisier recognized hydrogen?

he, like found it in a suit case with like Zacharaist and stuff

Where did the name oxygen come from and why?

in 1777, a french chemist, Antoine Lavoisier named this gas oxygen (Greek for "acid forming") because it was believed that all acids needed oxygen to be able to form

What 4 categories did Antoine Lavoisier use to classify elements?

solids,liquids, and gases Novanet

How does Lavoisier expose a mouse to a gas he collected from the mercury?

Why do you think lavoisier exposed a mouse to the gas he collected from mercury

Who discovered the origin of name for oxygen?

Joseph Priestley is generally given credit for the discovery of oxygen, which he named dephlogisticated air'. The term was changed to 'oxygen' in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, who is better known for his experiments with gas.

Where was discover hydrogen?

The discovery and identification of Hydrogen gas, H2, has a lengthy history.It was first artificially produced and formally described by T. Von Hohenheim (1493-1541) of Vienna.In 1671, Robert Boyle, an Englishman, rediscovered and described the reactions that produce it.In 1766, Henry Cavendish ( another Englishman) was the first to recognize hydrogen gas as a discrete substance.In 1783, Antoine Lavoisier (from France) gave the element the name hydrogen.

What is oxygen's origin of name?

Origin is Greek; oxys, meaning "sharp, sour," and gens, meaning "born, generated."French chemist Antoine Lavoisier named the gas oxygène,literally meaning "acid producer" (From the Greek words above)

Who disprooved the phlogiston theory?

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Lavoisier showed that combustion requires a gas that has weight (oxygen) and that the gas released during combustion (carbon dioxide) could be measured by means of weighing closed vessels (jars) containing burning substances. The use of closed vessels removed the weight of the outside air which had disguised the mass of the 'phlogiston' which was supposedly released during combustion thus making the released CO² measurable.

Why do you think Lavoisier exposed a mouse to the gas he collected from the mercury?

It turned back to liquid mercury and a gas.

Why was it important for lavoisier to use sealed in his experiments?

To not let the gas come out ( His Expirement )

Why was it important for lavoisier to use sealed containers in his experiments?

To not let the gas come out ( His Expirement )

What is the story of the discovery of Oxygen?

The scientist that is most often credited with the discovery of Oxygen is Joseph Priestly. Priestly experimented by placing mice in sealed jars. He noticed they would collapse over time. Once he slipped a piece of mint inside and the plant revived the mouse. He then realized that plants must have been releasing something (oxygen) to revitalize the air. Another scientist who discovered oxygen was Carl Wilhelm Sheele. He found that upon heating mercuric oxide, silver carbonate, magnesium nitrate, and potassium nitrate, the same was released (oxygen). He called this fire air because he noticed sparks being produced when the gas was mixed with charcoal dust. Finally, there is Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. Lavoisier also discovered oxygen, as a means to debunking the existence of phlogiston, a mysterious material used in combustion. Lavoisier heated mercury a powdery substance formed. Then he heated the powder until it gave off a gas. Lavoisier concluded that combustion resulted from a chemical reaction with gas and not the mysterious phlogiston. He called this gas oxygen because of its ability to create acids.