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Probably not. The language is all wrong for Jefferson. Careful checking indicates the earliest appearance of the quotation is found in a speech given to the Economic Club of Detroit by Mr. Lawrence W. Reed on October 29, 2001. In that speech, Mr. Reed, of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy - a conservative think tank, said "as Thomas Jefferson knew, any country great enough to give you everything is strong enough to take everything away from you" He did not directly attribute the quote to Jefferson however. He also never explained how he knew what Jefferson may have thought about the issue. It appears to be his own guess.

It has since been picked up and used by conservative speakers in speeches several times since, each using Reed's statement as proof that it was a quote directly from Jefferson. Most recently it was used by Sarah Palin, Sen. John McCain's running mate, in a speech delivered in late September, 2008.

The earliest appearance was August 12, 1974 in an Address to a Joint Session of the Congress by Pres. Gerald Ford.

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Q: Any Country Great Enough to Give You Everything is Strong Enough to Take Everything Away from You. Was this a quote from Thomas Jefferson. Sarah Palin thinks so.?
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