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Q: Any material that flows
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What Material through which water is readily flows is termed?

A material through which water can readily flow is called permeable material. This type of material allows water to pass through easily due to its interconnected pore spaces. Examples include sand, gravel, and certain types of soil.

How does the material of the asthenosphere differ from the material of the lithoshere?

the material in the astehnosphere can flow slowly and the lithosphere flows on top of the astenosphere HOPE I HELPED!!

Molten material that flows from volcanoes?

Molten material that flows from volcanoes is called lava. This hot, liquid rock can reach temperatures of over 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit. As it cools and solidifies, it forms igneous rocks like basalt or andesite.

What is load and how does it affect erosion?

Stream Load is the amount of material a stream can hold as it flows. As a stream flows it causes erosion, and this erosion is carried about as material in the stream. As too much is eroded, the extra material will fall to the bottom, or push it's way to the sides.

What is molten rock material that flows over the earths surface?

Molten rock material that flows over the Earth's surface is called lava. Lava is typically generated during a volcanic eruption and can create new landforms such as lava fields, volcanic cones, and lava tubes as it cools and solidifies.

Can rhyolite be pyroclastic?

Yes. It is not uncommon for rhyolitic material to form pyroclastic flows.

What happens to water molecules as energy flows and material changes phase?

By the fish

The amount of water that flows through a pipe does not depend on?

what type of material the pipe is made out of.

What material is made of oxygen and silicon when magma flows slow?

Silica it's SILICA

What is a material in which heat flows slowly?

a flying pig that was hit by the killer magic school bus

A solid material with no crystal structure?

Glass is a solid material that lacks a well-defined crystal structure. It is an amorphous solid, meaning its atoms are arranged randomly rather than in a repeating pattern like in crystals.