

Best Answer

- Imperfect Teens.

- Just Teen Quotes.

- Teenager Posts.

- Peace, Love, Infinity ∞

That's all i could really think of!

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Q: Any names for a teen quote page on Facebook something that has not been used already?
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How long did it take to create Facebook?

It took him 1 week. A quote by him says something like "It took me literally a week to create facebook".

Do you quote names of characters on TV shows?

I don't quote their names but I do quote from their dialog and the attribute it to their character

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The quote "I fear explanations explanatory of things explained." is from Abraham Lincoln. What he meant was that something's are already known, and they do not need to be explained again.

When you like one of those little quote things on facebook what happens?

For example,If I like any quote on Facebook from another Facebooker wall,it'll just pop up on your recent activity,Or if your friend on Facebook likes it after youit'll go on the News Feed on the Home Page.

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Think about it and you can figure it out. If something is already well enough, why should you mess with it? Just leave it alone because it's already good.

What a good Facebook quote?

" Never add somebody for friend , if you dont know them

What does this quote mean - Though you travel the world over to find the beautiful you must carry it with us or you find it not?

We cannot recognize something we're searching for unless we have a little bit of it already.

Where does the quote something something something dark side come from?

From the episode, Barely Legal

How do you put a quote directly inside another quote?

You use the following punctuation: "Quote 'quote within a quote' continuation of orginial quote." Example: According the Brown, "sentiments are considered 'primordial' only when they are deeply rooted in the collective consciousness of a group" (citation).

What is a quote from the battle of Quebec?

A Quote from the battle of Quebec is something that someone said during the battle.

What are some good names for a quote page for teens?

quotation city

What is the opposite of the word quote?

The opposite of the word "quote" is "misquote." "Quote" means to repeat something that someone else has said or written accurately, while "misquote" means to repeat something inaccurately or with errors.