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Any wind system on a continental scale that seasonally reverses its direction is a monsoon system. It affects large climatic regions.

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Q: Any wind system on a continental scale that seasonally reverses its direction?
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which wind system reverses its direction seasonally

What does moonsoon mean?

1. A wind system that influences large climatic regions and reverses direction seasonally.2.a. A wind from the southwest or south that brings heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the summer.b. The rain that accompanies this wind

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rainy season: a period of heavy rainfall, especially during the summer over South and Southeast Asia2.heavy rain: a very heavy fall of rain (informal)3.winds that reverse direction seasonally: a large-scale wind system that seasonally blows in opposite directions and determines the climate of large regions.The reversal of wind direction is caused by the greater annual temperature differences over large land masses than over the adjacent waters.

What is a Continental System?

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Napoleon's blockade of British ports was called the .?

It was a part of the Continental System.

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The Continental System was designed to hurt Great Britain and the British Empire.

What was The Continental System a form of?

The Continental System was part of the blockade designed by Napoleon to paralyze the British commerce. It was also referred to as the Continental Blockade.