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Q: Applicants for naturalization a0 allegiance to the foreign countries of which they were formerly citizens.?
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What is the process when a person from a foreign countries become us citizens?

The name of the process is naturalization.

What is the difference between naturalization and citizenship?

I believe that the questioner has their terminology confused. There are two types of US citizenship: NATURAL-BORN and NATURALIZED. Natural-born is what the name implies - they are born in the U.S.. Naturalized citizens are those who were born as citizens of other countries and applied to become U.S. citizens by studying for the privilege and then renounced their foreign citizenship and swore allegiance to the U.S. when they took the oath of citizenship.

What is the proceess by which people from foreign countries become US citizens?

One can become a citizen of other country throuth Naturalization.

Can immigrants be citizens?

They can typically become citizens through naturalization.

What is The process that allows people born in a foreign country to become us citizens called?

It is call Naturalization.

What is the process of making non citizens into citizens?

Naturalization is the process of making noncitizens American citizens. Many immigrants wait years before they are able to become a citizen.

What natural numbers?

Most United States citizens acquired citizenship by birth, but persons born in other countries may apply to become U.S. citizens. This process is called Naturalization

Do Hebrews say the pledge of allegiance?

They're called "Jews" not "Hebrews," and yes, American Jews do say the pledge of allegiance, unless it's against their political views. Jews who are citizens of other countries have no reason to pledge their allegiance to the flag of the USA.

What is the term for the process by which immigrants can become citizens?


What is the name for the process for immigrants to become citizens?


What does naturalization of foreigners mean?

Naturalization of foreigners refers to the process through which a foreign individual becomes a citizen of a country in which they were not born. This typically involves meeting specific legal requirements, such as residency, language proficiency, and knowledge of the country's laws and customs, before being granted citizenship.

What must naturalized citizens publicly renounce or give up?

Naturalized citizens in the United States must publicly renounce allegiance to any foreign state or sovereign, including titles of nobility. They are required to declare their loyalty to the United States and disavow any previous allegiance. Additionally, naturalized citizens must renounce any participation in organizations or groups advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government by force or violence. The renunciation process involves taking an oath of allegiance during the naturalization ceremony. While they gain many rights and privileges, naturalized citizens may lose their citizenship if found engaging in treasonous activities or fraud during the naturalization process. Overall, the renunciation is a legal commitment to fully embrace and uphold the values of the United States.