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0.5% of the world's carbon dioxide produced comes from Central America.

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Q: Approximately what percent does Central America contribute to the total amount of carbon dioxide produced in the world?
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What percent does central America contribute to the total amount of carbon dioxide produced in the world?


What food is mainly produced in Central America?

corn, tomatoes, hot peppers, and cacao

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Native Americans, probably the Olmec people (South Central Mexico).

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All of the above.

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The anagram is Central America.

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The Aztecs were alive from approximately 1325-1521 AD. ~Hope that helped!!!!

How many international flights in a year?

There are approximately 100 airlines in North America (USA, Canada& Mexico),approximately 26 airlines in Central America and The Caribbean , approximately 13 airlines in South America, approximately 76 airlines in Europe, approximately 15 airlines in Africa, approximately 14 airlines in the Middle East, approximately 36 airline in Asia, approximately 16 airlines in Australia and Oceania and approximately 1 airline in Antarctica.

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El Salvador is in Central America, which is part of North America. It is also in Latin America, which consists of Central America and South America.

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Mexico and Central America, the Caribbean and South America.

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it is asking "how many countries are there in Central America?" you would answer with the number of countries in Central America: hay ___ países en America central (There are ____ countries in Central America.)

What is between US and South America?

Central America

What country is expected to experience largest population growth by 2050?

Central America, is going to have approximately 214,000,000 people by 2050.India, going to have approximately have 1.6 billion people by 2050.Mexico, is going to have approximately 139,000,000 by 2050.