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Q: Approximately what percent of the speies that have ever existed are on earth today?
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For approximately what percent of earth's total history has man been in existence?

.003 %

What was the date when earth existed?

Pick any date before tomorrow, and Earth existed on that date.

For how long were prokaryotes the only kind of life on earth?

Prokaryotes were the only kind of life on earth approximately 2 billion years ago. They existed long before eukaryotes ever came into existence at all.

How much of the earth is ready for use by humans?

Less than 1 percent of Earth's water is ready for use by humans. Earth is approximately 71 percent water but of all this water only about 2.5 percent is fresh water with the rest being salt water and thus not fit for human consumption. Of the 2.5 percent fresh water the majority of this is frozen in the polar icecaps, present in soil moisture or deep underground where it is out of reach.

How much of earths surface is covered by salt water only?

Approximately 67.8% of earth's surface is covered by salt water while only 3% is covered by fresh water. In total, the earth's surface is covered by 70.8% of water.

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How long have homosapiens existed?

Homo sapiens have existed on Earth for approximately 300,000 years.

What percent of species that have ever existed are now on earth today?

10 percent

Approximately What fraction of the earth's total history have humans existed?


For what percentage of time has life existed on Earth?

Life has existed on Earth for approximately 3.5 billion years, which accounts for around 75% of the total time that the planet has existed (about 4.6 billion years).

What occupies 29 percent of the Earth's surface?

Landmasses occupy approximately 29 percent of the Earth's surface.

What is the mass percent of oxygen?

The mass percent of oxygen is approximately 21% in Earth's atmosphere.

What percent of time since earth was formed have humans lived on earth?

Humans have existed for approximately 0.2% of the time since Earth was formed around 4.54 billion years ago. The earliest humans are believed to have appeared around 200,000 years ago.

What is the percent of soil that covers the earth?

Approximately 30% of the Earth's surface is covered by soil.

How many percent air is on the Earth?

Approximately 21% of Earth's atmosphere is composed of oxygen.

What percent of earth does the hydrosphere cover?

The hydrosphere covers approximately 71% of the Earth's surface.

What percentage of earth history has humans existed?

Humans have existed for only about 0.2% of Earth's history, which is approximately 200,000 years out of Earth's 4.5 billion-year history. This indicates that humans are a relatively recent addition to the planet.

What covers 27 percent of Earth's surface?

Land covers approximately 27 percent of Earth's surface. This includes continents and islands.