

Are Australian echidnas endaged

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Are Australian echidnas endaged
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Are Australian echidnas invertebrates?

No. All echidnas are mammals, and all mammals are vertebrates. Echidnas are different from "echinoderms".

What is unique about the indigenous Australian platypus and echidna?

Platypuses and echidnas are both monotremes, that is, egg-laying mammals.

Are there American echidnas?

There are no American echidnas. The short-beaked echidna only occurs in Australia, where it is common throughout the mainland and the Australian island state of Tasmania, while the long-beaked echidna lives in Papua New Guinea. In America you would only see echidnas in zoos.

Do humans eat echidnas?

No. The echidna is sometimes called a spiny anteater, but it bears no relation to anteaters. Anteaters are placental mammals, and echidnas are monotremes (egg-laying mammals).

Are echidnas nocturnal or diurnal?

Echidnas in northern Australia are nocturnal. On occasion, they are seen during the day when the weather is mild. Echidnas in southern Australia tend to be more active during the day, especially during winter.

What causes some of the dolphin to become endangered?

they are endaged because of the ocen is comin polluted

What do Australian echidnas eat?

The species of echidna found in Australia is the short-beaked echidna. Echidnas of Australia live almost exclusively on termites, although they also eat ants. Echidnas have large claws for breaking open termite mounds (which, in much of Australia, are made from mud). They have long sticky tongues, about 15cm long, with which they catch the termites. Echidnas also look for termites under old, rotting logs, their preferred locale.

How do echidnas hibernate?

Echidnas do not hibernate.

Why is dolphins endaged?

Because each year more than 20,000 dolphins are killed by Japanese people.

Do echidnas hop?

No. Echidnas do not hop. They walk.

Are there echidnas in Bali?

There are no echidnas in Bali. Echidnas are found only in Australia and on the island of New Guinea.

Has the Australian echidna's population changed in the last 5 to 10 years?

Unlike the population of echidnas on the island of New Guinea, where these animals are in decline, the population of the short-beaked echidna in Australia has not changed across most of the country. No population figures exist for echidnas, but indications are that their population has remained unchanged since European settlement began in Australia. Echidnas remain classified as "Least concern".