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FeCl2 ionic

ReCl6 moleculer

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FeCl2 is an ionic substance because it is composed of a metal (Fe) and a non-metal (Cl) and forms an ionic bond. ReCl6 is also an ionic substance because it contains a metal (Re) and a non-metal (Cl) and forms an ionic bond.

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Q: Are FeCl2 and ReCl6 ionic or moleculer substances?
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Yes, water can cause ionic substances to dissociate through a process called hydration or solvation. Water molecules surround and separate the ions in an ionic compound, breaking the ionic bonds and allowing the ions to move freely in solution. This process is important for many chemical reactions and the behavior of electrolytes.

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Do ionic substances form solutions?

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What substances have an ionic structure?

Some examples of substances with an ionic structure include table salt (sodium chloride), magnesium oxide, and calcium chloride. These substances consist of positive and negative ions held together by electrostatic forces.

What are types of substances which are written in ionic form in an ionic equation?

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