


Chemical Bonding

Questions about the various chemical bonds elements make in compounds.

16,441 Questions

Why changes of stat are physical changes?

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Changes in state are physical changes because they involve a change in the physical appearance or state of a substance without altering its chemical composition. For example, when water changes from a liquid to a solid (freezing) or a gas (vaporization), it is still water chemically. This contrasts with chemical changes, which involve a rearrangement of atoms and result in the formation of new substances.

What properties of a compound would lead you to expect that it contains ionic bonds?

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Compounds with a large difference in electronegativity between the atoms (typically metal and non-metal) tend to form ionic bonds. Additionally, compounds with high melting and boiling points, good electrical conductivity in the molten or aqueous state, and a crystalline structure are likely to contain ionic bonds.

What is the smallest representative unit in an ionic compound?

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The smallest representative unit in an ionic compound is called a formula unit. It consists of the simplest ratio of ions that maintains electrical neutrality in the compound. Formula units are used to represent the composition of ionic compounds.

Is magnesium dioxide covalent or ionic?

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No such substance as magnesium **DI**oxide.

It is magnesium oxide.

The chemial formula is MgO.

MgO is an IONIC bons. Magnesium metal ionises two electrons


Mg(s) = Mg^(2+) + 2e^(-)

Oxygen has an electron affinity for two electrons.


O+ 2e^(-) = O^(2-)

Since the charges balance and are opposite , the two ionis come together by electrostatic attraction, just like the N & S poles of a magnet. They do NOT share electrons.

Mg^(2+) + O^(2-) = MgO(s)

A bond in which atoms share electrons is called a?

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The type of bond in which two atoms share electrons is called a covalent bond.

Is Calcium bromide a ionic bond?

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Yes, calcium bromide is formed by an ionic bond. Calcium, a metal, donates electrons to bromine, a nonmetal, resulting in the formation of positively charged calcium ions and negatively charged bromide ions, which attract each other through electrostatic forces to form a stable ionic compound.

Potassium iodate covalent or ionic bond?

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Potassium iodate forms ionic bonds. In this compound, potassium (K) donates one electron to iodine (I) and one to oxygen (O), forming positively charged ions (K+) and negatively charged ions (IO3-). These ions are held together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction.

Describe the energy change associated with ionic bond formation and relate it to stability?

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The energy change associated with ionic bond formation is typically exothermic, meaning energy is released. This is because when an electron is transferred from one atom to another to form an ionic bond, the resulting ions are in a lower energy state than the separate atoms. The release of energy contributes to the stability of the ionic compound formed.

What bond both atoms exert the same pull on shared electrons?

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A nonpolar covalent bond forms when two atoms share electrons equally because they have the same electronegativity. In this bond, there is no attraction difference between the two atoms, and they pull on the shared electrons with equal strength.

Which graduated cylinder do you use when applying heat?

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Use a borosilicate glass graduated cylinder when applying heat, as it can withstand higher temperatures without breaking or shattering. Avoid using plastic graduated cylinders as they may melt when exposed to heat.

What does substance and mixture have in common?

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Substances and mixtures are both made up of different types of matter. However, substances have a fixed composition and properties, while mixtures can vary in composition and properties depending on the amounts of each component present.

Five carbon atom with one double bond?

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A molecule with five carbon atoms and one double bond is pentene. Pentene can exist in different isomeric forms, such as 1-pentene and 2-pentene, depending on the position of the double bond along the carbon chain. The general formula for pentene is C5H10.

Why c-c bond are equal in benzene due to resonance?

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In benzene, the delocalization of electrons in the pi system creates a symmetric charge distribution around the ring, resulting in equal sharing of electron density between all carbon atoms. This leads to the concept of resonance, where the actual molecule is a hybrid of different resonance structures. As a result, the carbon-carbon bonds in benzene are equivalent and have partial double bond character.

What covers a silver spoon is kept in egg yolk?

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Silver utensils can become tarnished when exposed to sulfur-containing foods like egg yolks. The sulfur in the egg yolk reacts with the silver to create silver sulfide, resulting in the tarnished appearance. To prevent tarnishing, it is best to avoid prolonged contact between silver utensils and sulfur-containing foods.

Which type of boding forms the strongest bond?

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Covalent bonds typically form the strongest bonds between atoms. In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, which results in a very strong bond.

Is a hydrogen bond the strongest that formed between molecules?

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No, hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent or ionic bonds. Hydrogen bonds are attraction between a hydrogen atom in a polar molecule and an electronegative atom (such as oxygen or nitrogen) in another molecule.

Is isonic bonding the same as sharing electrons?

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Yes, ionic bonding involves the transfer of electrons from one atom to another to create charged ions, while sharing electrons in covalent bonding involves atoms sharing electrons to form a stable bond. Ionic bonding results in the formation of an ionic compound, while covalent bonding produces a molecule.

Which nonmetal is a good conductor of electricity?

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You might have come across experiments using a pencil to complete a simple circuit to check if a bulb glows and you might have observed that it does.

The graphite in the lead of the pencil is what helps conduct electricity.

Why does not an atom form more than three bonds?

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An atom does not form more than three covalent bonds because it has a limited number of available valence electrons to share with other atoms. This is due to the arrangement of electrons in the atom's electron shells, allowing for up to four pairs of electrons to be shared in covalent bonds. If an atom forms more than three bonds, it will violate the octet rule or the duet rule, destabilizing the molecule.

What type of intermolecular force is found in water molecules in ice?

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Hydrogen bonding is the intermolecular force found in water molecules in ice. This occurs when the partially positive hydrogen atom of one water molecule is attracted to the partially negative oxygen atom of another water molecule.

What is the balanced chemical equation for the combustion of methylcyclononane?

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The balanced chemical equation for the combustion of methylcyclooctane is:

C9H18 + 12.5O2 -> 9CO2 + 9H2O

Why table salt is not brittle?

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Table salt, or sodium chloride, is not brittle because its molecular structure is formed by strong ionic bonds between sodium and chloride ions. These bonds make the salt crystals relatively soft and easily deformable under pressure rather than brittle.

Which burn worse a boiling water or steam and clearly explain why?

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Steam burns worse than boiling water because steam carries more heat energy due to its higher temperature and can transfer this heat rapidly when it comes into contact with skin. Additionally, steam has a lower heat capacity than water, so it can cause more severe burns in a shorter amount of time.

What is the chemical bond for H-O?

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The chemical bond between hydrogen and oxygen in water (H2O) is a polar covalent bond. Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, leading to an uneven sharing of electrons, which creates a partial negative charge on the oxygen atom and a partial positive charge on the hydrogen atoms.

Hydrocarbons which have only single bonds between carbon atoms?

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Alkanes are hydrocarbons that have only single bonds between carbon atoms. They are saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n+2, where n represents the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. Alkanes are relatively inert and have straight or branched chain structures.