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Q: Are Fossils used to correlate sedimentary rocks that are widely separated by using the rocks distinctive fossil content and applying the principle of fossil succession?
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A scientist identifies a variety of fossils in a layer of sedimentary rock By applying the principle of fossil succession the scientist can identify?

The age of the rock layer

Principle of fossil succession?

The Law of Fossil Succession states that fossil organisms originate, coexist, and disappear from the geologic record in a definite sequential order.

What is the principal of paleontological identity?

The Principle of Paleontological Identity is the theory that the layers of sedimentary rocks around the world can be dated by the fossils which they contain. Based on this theory, two layers having the same fossils are regarded as having the same age. This principle is based on the existence of stratigraphic fossils. It is taken in theory to make it possible to correlate sedimentary sequences in distant areas from each other.

What two things did 19th century scientists do to determine the relative age of sedimentary rock all over the world?

They studied fossils and applied the principle that old layers of rock are below young layers! -

The Principle of Biological Succession was developed by?


Which of the principle apply to sedimentary rock?


Who is the founder of the principle of the faunal succession?

William Smith

The concept that the oldest layer will be at the bottom in an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary strata is called the Principle of?


What principle states that animals succeed each other in a definite sequence?

Faunal succession

Which principle states that animals succeed each other in a definite sequence?

Faunal Succession

what principle applies to sedimentary layers that are laid down level on top of each other?

Law of Superposition.

The principle of fossil succession states that different types of fossil organisms .?

succeed one another in a definite order