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Yes, all three are bloodborne pathogens. See link below for more details.

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Hepatitis A is not bloodborne.

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Q: Is hiv and hepatitis B and C blood borne pathogens?
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Which one of the following bloodborne pathogens is the most infectious HIV hepatitis b Hepatitis c Bloodborn pathogens are equal-infectious?

HIV is the most infectious between the following blood borne pathogens; HIV, hepatitis b, hepatitis c.

How are bloodborne pathogens spread?

Substances present in the blood that can cause infection or disease. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses are bloodborne pathogens since they are spread through blood and can cause a liver infection.

Presence of pathogens in the blood?

Blood borne pathogens include Hepatitis B and C, malaria, syphilis and HIV. Such pathogens can be passed through open sores, needle sharing among people, and also through sexual contacts.

What are the Most common blood borne pathogen diseases?

The two blood borne diseases most prevalent in the United States are HIV and Hepatitis.

What are three pathogens spread by blood and body fluids?

Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and AIDS

Which two blood borne pathogen diseases are specifically addressed by 29 CFR 1910.1030 Occupational Exposure to Blood borne Pathogens?


Is hiv blood borne?

Yes, HIV is a blood-borne pathogen.

HIV the only infectious disease carried by the blood that you should be concerned withtrue or false?

False; there are many dangerous blood borne pathogens.

What is CPR AED adult bloodborne pathogens?

A bloodborne pathogen is a disease causing agent in the blood such as a virus (HIV, HBV, or Herpes) or bacteria (TB, Gonorrhea). Corrected: Bloodborne Pathogens means, disease causing organisms transmitted by blood and other body fluids. Most common bloodborne pathogens are Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C & HIV.

Which disease spurned the Bloodborne Pathogens act?

Hepatitis B

What does Occupational Exposure to blood borne pathogen?

Occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens means work-related accidents like needlesticks or splashes to mucous membranes of someone else's blood or bodily fluid that might contain pathogens like HIV or hepatatis virus. Occupational exposures are possible job hazards for health care workers, cleaning staff, and emergency responders.

What is worse if splashed in eyes blood or urine?

It would be far more dangerous to have blood splashed into your eyes than urine. Blood carries many pathogens including HIV, hepatitis, and many others. Urine is sterile and virtually harmless.