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No, we are just crazy in general :-p

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Q: Are Haitian woman crazy when it comes to men?
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Who is crazy in sex man or woman?

There are both men and women who are crazy when it comes to sex. None more than the other. It's a individual thing.

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although they are crazy in that man.

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I am a woman and I see that men go crazy over nothing- for example, at the Superbowl. What's the big deal if a team makes a touchdown???

Is there a difference between men and women urine?

Yes a men's urine comes from a penis, a woman's from a vagina!(: x

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it was about two men fighting over a woman, then one murdered the other, then things went crazy

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Men try to make a woman jealous because there just being men. There is a time in your life where they will just try and make you jealous even though they cannot commit to you. When its women and we flirt with other men and try to make the men jealous the men get all angry and go crazy. I guess they think they can get away with it.

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Mostly the woman cooks the meals when the man comes home from work. That's what happens at my house.

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because men are cowards and they are scared of their wives...

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"The fact of life is that men are stupid and women are crazy. Women are crazy because men are stupid." - Qoute from a backround on ipods...Happy Valentines day!

Why are men crazy than women?

:] Because They're Men

Why do Haitian women wear turbans?

Because they are men in disguise who forgot to take the turban off.