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Q: Are Hawaii Islands the highest underwater mountain range?
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Is Hawaii the tip of a mountain?

All deep ocean (i.e. not like Manhatten) islands are tips of underwater mountains.

What islands have the highest land in Hawaii?

Hawaii, the big Island has the highest elevation.

What state has the highest dormant volcano?

Its in South America It was in South America Hawaii has the tallest volcano in the world. Mauna Kea, the dormant volcano in the Hawaiian Islands which is, measuring from its base underwater to its tip, the tallest mountain in the world (13,803 feet)

Are there any mountains in Hawaii?

Yes, such as Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, and Haleakala.

What American islands are actually an underwater chain of volcanoes?

The American islands that are actually an underwater chain of volcanoes are the Hawaiian Islands. These islands were formed by volcanic activity from the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain. The islands of Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, and others are all part of this volcanic chain.

Why is Hawaii the highest mountain?

Its Not, Hawaii Is An ISLAND Not A Mountain, Heres A Site With A List Of The Highest Mountains In That Area Though.

What is an example of the hawaiian islands?

Hawaii is example of a one islands in the world!

What the highest mountain in the world plus vertical distance?

Hawaii as it is a mountain in itself.

How were the Hawaiian islands formed and which type of rock is probably most common in Hawaii?

they were formed by underwater volcanoes

What is the highest island peak in the world?

The highest mountain peak of Oceania is "Puncak Jaya".

How tall is the highest mountain in the world?

The HIGHEST mountain in the world is Mt. Everest, on the border between China and Nepal. The TALLEST mountain in the world is in Hawaii- Mauna Kea- when measured from the sea floor to the top of the mountain.

Can a volcanic mountain form underwater and on earths surface?

Some volcanoes arise on land; others begin under the seabed and eventually grow tall enough that part of them is above water. Volcanic islands such as Hawaii are an example of this second type.