

Are Israelis smart

Updated: 12/23/2022
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10y ago

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Yes. Some are. At the same time, some are

intellectually challenged, and the rest are average.

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Q: Are Israelis smart
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What color skin do Israelis have?

Most Israelis range from Russian to Arab coloration. There are some Black, Hispanic, and Chinese Israelis, but they are a minority.

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Israelis are people native from Israel. Perhaps you mean what country do the majority of Israelis go to? In which the answer is the United States.

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Arabs and Israelis have deep religious differences.Arabs and Israelis have deep religious differences.

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Some Jewish Israelis give presents for Hanukkah. Most Israelis, though, reserve present-giving for a child's birthday.

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Most Israelis are Jewish or Muslims and therefore, Christmas is just another day of the week for them. Christian Israelis (>1% of Israelis) celebrate Christmas with their families, quite like the USA or Europe.

How do Israelis worship?

Israelis are a vast number of religions: Jewish, Sunni Muslim, Orthodox Christian, Druze, Baha'i, Catholic, Messianic Jewish, Protestant, etc. Not to mention, many Israelis are Atheists. Israelis worship in accordance with their beliefs.

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No. It is very rare, but the probability increases if you talking about Arab Israelis and Palestinians (as opposed to Jewish Israelis and Palestinians).

How social are the people of Israel?

The "socialness" of Israelis is not consistent across Israelis.Secular Israelis tend to be more social with outsiders than Religious Israelis, but Religious Israelis tend to be more social with each other than Secular Israelis. People in small towns tend to be more social than people in the larger cities.However, in general, Israelis are more than willing to converse, but they might come off a little harshly. Israelis often compare themselves to cactus fruits (sabras) in that they have a thorny exterior but a sweet interior.

Are Israelis allowed in the UAE?

No way, Israelis are not allowed to any Arabic country except to Jordan and Egypt.