

Are Jews hated by about half if the world?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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this question is insulting and ridiculous. Was a count of the world taken as people were rounded and burned to death?

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Q: Are Jews hated by about half if the world?
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What race of people had more deaths in world war 2?

Jews. Hitler hated Jews. 6 million Jews died in world war two.

Why did the Nazis treat the jews the way they did in the Holocaust?

To make no jews in the world, and hitler hated them because they were smart and brave, etc.

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Hitler was crazy, he hated all Jews.

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It was not just Heinrich Himmler who hated Jews. Most of Austria and Germany hated Jews. They had this false idea that the Jews were the cause of World War 1 and that they controlled the world. Himmler was just an ignorant, insecure man who fell for a madman.

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it was in Germany and they hated Jews

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Hitler hated them. Many were locked up or killed for no reason.

What was Hitler's purpose for killing the Jews?

He hated them stupid jews!!!!!!!!

Why does Hitler like Jews so much?

Hitler was one of the most rabid Anti-Semites in the history of the World. He did not only not like Jews, he not only hated Jews, he virulently despised and repudiated Jews.

How were the Jews treated in World War I?

Jews were hated in Europe long before World War 1. They were different. They held to their traditions. They were not Christians. They did well in business, angering those who did not do well. Many Europeans hated them for a variety of reasons.

Why did Hitler hate jewa?

Hitler hated Jews becasue he believed they were an inferior race and he also believed that they were responsible for Germany losing the First World War. He basically blamed the Jews for all problems.

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cause his racist and hated jews

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the jews hated the romans