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Despite much speculation they are not gays and have girlfriends or wives.

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What is 'gay boy' when translated from English to French?

"Gay boy" in English is homme gay in French.

How do you convince a boy to be gay?

You cannot convince a boy into being gay.

Were the Village People gay?

Cowboy, Indian, and Armed Forces Guy/Sailor are gay but not the others

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It is a gay boy that is a craddle robber. gabe the gay boy playing his game boy.

Is it gay if a boy can do the spilts?

No. It is only gay if a boy is sexually attracted to other boys.

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Is it gay for a boy to like lesbians?

No, it is only gay for a boy to be sexually attracted to other boys.

Is it possible to have the same behaviour of a 'gay boy' but be female and attracted to girls?

You mean acting like a "gay boy" and be a Lesbian? Sure. There is no typical "gay boy" or Lesbian manner.

If a boy have a relationship with gay is the boy gay also?

When a boy has a relation ship with an other boy this doesn't mean he is gay.Even when the other boy is gay.You are gay when you FEEL something for an other boy, when you're ATTRACTED to that boy.This is when you know you are gay.You also don't need to be gay to have sex with someone from the same sex. But when you feel sexually attracted to the same sex you're definitely gay.

Is it normal for a boy to be gay?

Yes, if a preteen boy thinks or knows that he is gay, then it's nothing wrong with that.

If you are a boy but you thought of trying stuff with another boy does that make you gay?

Of course it makes you gay, you flamer.