

Are Neptune and Uranus both on a funny tilt?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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There is nothing humorous about axial tilt.

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Q: Are Neptune and Uranus both on a funny tilt?
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What is the tilt of Neptune?

yes neptune rotates

Does uranus has a funny tilt?

Yes, it does. Its tilt is so dramatic it is almost rotating sideways.

How are Jupiter and Saturn different from Uranus and Neptune?

One the main differences is that Neptune has a source of heat deep inside the planet. So, even though it's much further from the Sun, Neptune's surface temperature is about the same as the temperature on Uranus. Also, the heat source is probably the cause of the more active weather systems seem in Neptune's atmosphere. Also, Neptune is denser than Uranus. So, even though Uranus has a slightly larger volume, Neptune has more mass. Uranus has a "weird " tilt. Its axis of rotation is tilted by about 90 degrees. Neptune has a more normal tilt, roughly similar to Earth's.

Does Neptune have a very tilted axis?

Neptune's axial tilt is 28.32 degrees, not much different from earth's

What is unique about Uranus tilt of axial?

Uranus's tilt of Axial is unusual because Uranus is tilted on it's side

Which planet is tipped on its side?

that would be Uranus with is 90 degree tilt.

How far does Uranus tilt?

It is on a 96.5° tilt.

Which planet has a tilted axis so that the planet has seasons?

Uranus and Pluto have a tilt and have extreme seasons. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune have seasons that are similar to ours.

Which planet spins on a 97 degree angle to the vertical axis?

Mercury's axis tilt is 0°. Venus' axis tilt is 177.4°. Earth's axis tilt is 23.5°. Mars' axis tilt is 25.2°. Jupiter's axis tilt is 3.1°. Saturn's axis tilt is 25.3°. Uranus' axis tilt is 97.8°. Neptune's axis tilt is 28.8°. Pluto's axis tilt is 122.5°.

What is the only planet tilted on it side?

Uranus, with a tilt of 98°. All planets have some tilt, but Uranus' tilt is so extreme, it rotates on its side.

What is the degrees for the tilt of Uranus?

Uranus is tilted about 95 degrees

What planet have a unique magnetic field due to its extreme tilt?

10 [degrees] at Jupiter, 1 [degrees] at Saturn, 60 [degrees] at Uranus and 47 [degrees] at Neptune.