

Are New Zealanders good at sport?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Are New Zealanders good at sport?
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Are New Zealanders sport fanatics?

Yes, New Zealanders are fanatic about sport. N.Z. has a high participation rate in physical activity; almost everybody plays a sport, and most play two or three. Yes, This Is Very True. I am a New Zealander Myself. New Zealanders Excel In Sports internationally too, as You might Notice.

Why are the New Zealanders such sport fanatics?

Because There isn't much to do there, theres rugby and that's what they like, there mad about it.

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well it was new zealanders that's for sure! along time ago too.

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As of June 2008, 26.5% of New Zealanders are obese

Are people New Zealanders if they are not born in New Zealand?

So long as they have been granted New Zealand Citizenship, they are New Zealanders.

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Te Papa is special to New Zealanders because....

What do you call the citizens of new zealand?

New Zealanders : Maori (the indigenous people) and Pakeha (non-Maori).

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because new zealanders are hard workers, sweet kind, loving

What New Zealanders have played for Tottenham Hotspur?

The following New Zealanders have played for Tottenham Hotspur ;Ryan Nelson