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In the sense of exploding- No. The nitroglycerin is mixed with other things, and is too dilute to explode. In the sense that ANY medication can be dangerous to take- yes. If you do not have a medical condition that would require them, taking them can be very unhealthy.

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Q: Are Nitroglycerin tablets dangerous
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Can nitroglycerin tablets cause diarrhea?

No but it will make you queezy.

Will nitroglycerin tablets give a false meth test?


Why should you avoid handling nitroglycerin pills with bare hands?

Many people are surprised to learn that the nitroglycerin in the tablets is the same chemical compound as the nitroglycerin that is used as an explosive. The chemical compound is very volatile, which means that it is difficult to contain in tablet form. By handling the tablets, the nitroglycerin may be absorbed through the skin from the tablet. Briefly touching the tablets should not be a concern, but they should not be handled excessively. Also, make sure nitroglycerin tablets are stored in a cool, dry place - not the car or the bathroom cabinet. Discard the bottle 6 months after it is first opened, as the tablets may lose their effectiveness.

What is the maximum number of nitroglycerin tablets to be administered in the prehospital setting?


What type of nitroglycerin is good at preventing angina?

nitroglycerin tablets or nitroglycerin spray can both be applied sublingually (under the tongue). Either of these methods are the best type to prevent angina Pectoris

How are nitroglycerin tablets administered?

Place under the tonge, it will dissolve in a few seconds.

What is shelf life expiration of Nitroglycerin Sub lingual tablets?

Thirity days once bottle is opened.

Is your medical nitroglycerin tablet explosive if struck by a hammer?

Nitroglycerin tablets and sprays prescribed as heart medication contain tiny amounts of nitroglycerin diluted by inert matter and are completely nonexplosive.

Why nitroglycerin tablets cannot be flushed down the toilet?

it might cause an explosion or it might cause an oxidation and the rust of pipes.

Can you name the medicine to be kept under the tongue when a person suffers heart attack?

Nitroglycerin tablets are placed under your tongue in the event of chest pains due to angina, not for a heart attack. You can also use a nitroglycerin spray. The nitroglycerin acts to widen (dilate) the blood vessels in your heart allowing more blood to flow to your heart muscles. The pain is because not enough blood is available to your heart muscles. The nitroglycerin tablets and spray are not explosive. Learn to recognize the symptoms of a real heart attack, as well as angina, and seek emergency help in the event of an attack..

How has dynamite evolved?

The first real explosive was Nitroglycerin. It was far too dangerous for stationary use. A much safer explosive called dynamite. This includes nitroglycerin and wood pulp. That's about it . Surely gunpowder was they first commonly available explosive? Nitroglycerin came several hundred years later.

Are vitamin c tablets dangerous?

no they are perfectly fine