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oxycodone metabolizes to oxymorphone and oxymorphone is what it is. It would take a GC test and a very good lab tech to tell any difference.(test of around $850.00)

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Q: Are Oxycontin and oxymorphone the same drug on a drug screen?
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Will opanas show up the same as Oxycontin show up the same on a drug test?

Type your answer opanas show totally differ than Oxycontin they show oxymorphone(or howwever you spell it)i know for sure

Is Oxycontin the same as oxymorhpone?

No. However, oxycodone metabolizes into oxymorphone in the liver. There are separate oxymorphone preparations such as numorphan (injectable solution. not sure if they are around anymore) and opana (extended release oxyMORPHONE in the way that Oxycontin is extended release oxyCODONE).

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is loracet and Oxycontin appear the same on a drug test

What Does Opana Show up as On A Drug Test?

The standard -4- panel drug test will scan for "opiates". Yes, Opana will be recognized. Opana is a semi-synthetic narcotic(oxymorphone HCL). It will show positive just like Morphine, Dilaudid, Heroin, codeine and lortab(Vicodin).

Does Opana and methadone drug test as the same thing?

no. opana=Oxymorphone... Methadone=Methadone. Lol

What does Oxycontin metabolize into?

If your wondering what it will show up on a drug test here is what I know! I was in a program that tested my urine once a week. I was being tested by a normal five panel dip stick, meth, coc, THC, opi, Benz, and when i was being tested i was passing drug test while on Oxycontin. It wasn't until the program director figured out that Oxycontin didn't show up on a drug test that he had to special order "oxy" test strips. And the same is for percocet also. So I hope that helps answer your question a little. HXP It metabolizes into noroxycodone and oxymorphone.

What opiate drug is the best morphine or oxycontin's?

They are the same just diff name

Will Oxycontin and Demerol show up same drug screen?

Usually drug tests only test for the metabolite of opiates in your urine. So yes oxycodone will show up in a urine based drug test. Demerol being fully synthetic on the other hand may not.

Is mscontin the same as Oxycontin on urine drug test?

no ms contin is morphine sulfate and Oxycontin is oxycodone while mscontin will show up as an opiate the Oxycontin shows up as oxycodone

Will Oxycontin and Oxycodone show up as the same drug on a urine drug test?

They ARE the same opiate. Oxycontin is a long acting oxycodone formulation.

Is alprazolam and opana the same drug?

No No -- Alprazolam is a benzodiazapine, used as an anti-anxietal/calmative. Opana is the brand name for Oxymorphone, a pain killer.

How does a urine drug screen tell the difference between Oxcycontin and oxcycodone?

Oxycontin is just a time release version of oxycodone. I take oxycodone 15mg, which is fast acting, you can get Oxycontin in 60 or 80mg but it is made to work over a longer time period, some people get into trouble with Oxycontin because they break time release by chewing it, this is very dangerous to put that much oxycodone in your system at once. The only way a test would detect the "difference" is by the amount in your system but not the drug. If you chew up an Oxycontin 60 it will show up the same as if you took 4 oxycodone 15mg. It's the same drug, just different concentrations.