

Are Pop-Tarts breakfast

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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pop tarts is breakfast and it is also chummy

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Q: Are Pop-Tarts breakfast
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What is a Creagle?

a creagle its a bird that eats poptarts and cereal for breakfast

What is the website address where you can find the poptarts?

Poptarts website

Are people who eat poptarts gay?

No they are not poptarts are a great food

Why do fish eat poptarts?

Maybe fish like poptarts.

Do Poptarts have a lot of calories?

Kind of. One single Pop Tart has 200 calories, and a pouch containing two, has 400. If you have 2 for breakfast along with a glass of milk, it would be a 520 calorie breakfast, which is not bad. Just eat it once in a while. Or you could also have only one plus and apple and coffee, to equal to 200+90+30=320 (:

Which breakfast choice is not a healthy choice as you run out door?

Foods that are high in sugar like poptarts and as well as burnt toast. The sugar later gives you a crash and is stored as fat.

Are poptarts or toaster strudel better?

defently poptarts, toaster strudle taste harable

Are poptarts nutritious I like poptarts but wonder if they are good for you?

In a recent study, poptarts were issued to Derek Bush every day for a year and it seems his genetilia fell off.

Do birds eats french fries?

lets go poptarts lets go! lets go poptarts lets go! lets go poptarts lets go! lets go poptarts lets go! lets go poptarts lets go! lets go poptarts lets go! lets go poptarts lets go! lets go poptarts lets go! lets go poptarts lets go!

Why is tac nyan evil?

well because this is what I THINK. when nyan cat a tac nyan were normal cats they ate breakfast nyan cat said mmm...poptarts are great tac nyan said waffles are nyan cat ate so much poptarts that he became nyan cat then tac nyan became tac nyan

How long are Poptarts?

About 6"

What can you have for breakfast if you are lactose intolerant?

How about eggs and toast, or granola and fruit, or waffels and juice, or poptarts and a banana,......