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No, Ralph, Eric, and Simon are not being truthful in chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies. They lie to Piggy about the events that took place during the confrontation with Jack and his tribe. Their fear and manipulation lead them to deceive Piggy about the true nature of what occurred.

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Q: Are Ralph Eric and Simon being truthful In chapter 10?
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Which boy does Jack view as odd in chapter three in the book Lord of the Flies?

Jack doesn't allude to any of the boys as being 'odd' in chapter three. Ralph says of Simon, "He's queer. He's funny." Jack merely nods in agreement, as the book says, "as much for the sake of agreeing as anything."

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In chapter 3 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph is frustrated and concerned about Jack's obsession with hunting rather than focusing on building shelters and maintaining the signal fire. Ralph sees it as a distraction from the group's collective goal of being rescued.

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Simon correctly interrupts Ralph's daydream about being rescued in "Lord of the Flies." Simon suggests that maybe there is no real "beast" on the island, challenging the boys to consider their own fear and darkness within themselves.

Which two things does Ralph say that insult jack in chapter 8?

During the meeting in chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness Jack accused Ralph of being a coward. He also said that Ralph was, 'like Piggy. He says things like Piggy.' And that Ralph wasn't a hunter and would never have got meat for the boys.

Ralph says of Simon ''he's queer. he's funny.'' what kind of boy is Simon?

Ralph says this maybe for sake of conversation, but Simon is in many ways diffrent from most of the boys. Though all of the boys on the island seem to like Simon he stays away and goes to his secret bower in the forest to be alone and have his epeleptic fits. Simon is supposed to be the christ figure in the novel because he is kind to all the boys, stands up for piggy, and even has a conversation with the Lord of the Flies (the devil) in the jungle just as Jesus did. Simon has very bright eyes and coarse black hair. He is the bravest of all of them.

Why is piggy terrified when Ralph states that maybe he should quit being chief in chapter 5?

He thinks Jack will harm him.

How does the language by Golding in this chapter paints Ralph as an animal being hunted?

Golding's language in this chapter uses visceral imagery and primal instincts to portray Ralph as a hunted animal. Phrases like "suddenly dogged him", "snarling" and "pursuit" evoke a sense of fear and vulnerability commonly associated with animals being hunted in the wild. The language choice intensifies the feeling of imminent danger surrounding Ralph.

How does Ralph feel about the idea of being rescued now?

Ralph is initially excited about being rescued in the book "Lord of the Flies." However, as the story progresses, his optimism fades as he witnesses the boys' descent into savagery and realizes the darkness within himself.

Who were the three tallest boys on the island in lord of the flies?

The three tallest boys on the island in "Lord of the Flies" were Ralph, Jack, and Piggy. Ralph was described as the tallest among the boys.

What word is being honest?

Truthful is being honest.

How does Ralph learn of Jacks plans for him in chapter 12 in the book lord of the flies?

Ralph learns of Jack's plans for him in Chapter 12 when he overhears Samneric's conversation about Jack's intention to hunt him like a pig. This revelation prompts Ralph to flee for his life through the jungle while being hunted by Jack and his tribe.