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Basically, yes. They were the main system of numbers used by the Romans. There were minority numeral systems in Rome, of which is still unknown.

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Q: Are Roman numerals from the Romans?
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What people invented Roman numerals?

romans.Another answer:It was the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans that conceived the idea of numerals.

Who discovered Roman numbers?

The idea of Roman numerals was actually conceived by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans.

What kind of math did the Romans create?

They created their own system of numeracy which are Roman numerals

When did Romans invent Roman numerals?

most likely. they are called ROMAN numerals--While I don't actually know the answer, I'd like to point out that the answerer before me is a moron, and read the question wrong.Just like in the name, Roman Numerals were started in Rome. Today, it is still used. Well now in every stats and countries we use more simpler numbers. Like 1,2,3,4, and so on. We should think that we are really fortunate.Tank you for your question...2010 November 21 Sunday

How were the roman numerals invented?

The Roman Numerals were invented by the Romans because they did not have numbers in their days like we do now. So... they made values for the letter of Roman Numerals. Example: M= 1,000 D= 500 C= 100 L= 50 X= 10 V= 5 I= 1

Related questions

Who invented Roman numerals and why?

The Romans invented Roman Numerals.

How do you write Romans 1219 in roman numerals?

In Roman numerals 1219 is MCCXIX.

Who create Roman Numerals?

Roman numerals were created by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans.

Who originated the Roman numerals?

The Romans.

Who invint Roman Numerals?


Who uses the Roman Numerals?

The Romans

How were Roman Numerals introduced?

Roman numerals were introduced to the Romans by the Etruscans who once ruled them.

Who discovered the Roman numerals?

Roman numerals were conceived by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans.

When did Roman Numerals introduced?

Roman numerals were originally introduced by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans

When did the Romans make the Roman numerals?

Strange as it may seem but Roman numerals had nothing to do with the Romans because this form of numeracy was first concieved by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans.

Who was the founder of the Roman numerals?

The Ancient Romans.

Who used the Early Roman numerals?

The Romans