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Yea...but it will be challenging

Taureans are SO romantic and won't the Aries know it! It is hardly surprising then, that these zodiac signs are attracted to each other. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and there is a lot Aries will respect and appreciate about their partner. The Taurus will be a passionate and demonstrative lover, and the ardent Arian should have no complaints on that score! Physically, this couple will get on really well. Aries can be an impatient lover and Taurus hates to be rushed. Taurus will enjoy lots of hugging, caressing and touching but this all has to take place in private. Get too close to Taurus in public and he or she will only move away in embarrassment. This may amuse the Aries who isn't as shy but who shouldn't be tempted to tease their partner. Aries should be prepared to be patient and wait until those quiet moments when they get together without an audience to enjoy the physical side of this relationship. Although this is likely to be a passionate affair, will there be much else in common other than enjoying a good sex-life? Well, there are two major differences in this couple's personalities and the question is: will each be willing to find a middle road? Because Taurus is as slow as the Aries is fast. Where the Taurus partner is careful and cautious, Aries will tend to act first and think about it later. This, generally, is where the major problem will arise in this romance. Aries will love to do something different every day. This zodiac sign enjoys a challenge and if this involves taking the odd risk or two, that doesn't really matter. They want and need an active lifestyle: to push themselves to their limit. Ruled by Mars, Aries is energetic and sometimes impatient, loving anything that is new and exciting. So it might not be easy for Aries to understand the Taurean's careful ways. Taurus is slow to do things. They like routine and order. Taurus doesn't enjoy taking risks at all and he or she will prefer everything that is familiar. So there could be problems here. When Aries wants to go, Taurus might want to stay. When Aries suggests trying something new, Taurus might respond with "no, things are good, let's keep it that way!" Aries might start feeling impatient with the way their Taurus partner seems to have no get-up-and-go and they might even start getting bored! Is there a way around this little difficulty? If Aries wants the relationship to last they must learn to recognise and understand these more cautious traits of theTaurean's nature. Give them a little time to make up their mind; don't rush them. If Aries wants to try out anything new, they should give Taurus the chance to get used to the idea. Likewise, Aries should explain how they need stimulation and excitement otherwise they can't be happy or content in the romance. If this couple learns to meet each other half way they could enjoy this very challenging relationship. ADD ME ON MYSPACE... =]

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