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A Virgo - Sagittarius relationship tends to be difficult.

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Q: Are Virgo and Sagittarius compatible
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Generally speaking a Sagittarius-Virgo relationship is difficult.

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Aries is highly compatible with Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius. Aries is also highly compatible with other Aries and Virgo and they are partially compatible with Libra.

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The complimentary opposite sign to Virgo is Pisces. Virgo has a harmonious relationship with Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer and Leo. Virgo has a difficult relationship with Sagittarius and Gemini. Virgo has a turbulent relationship with Aquarius and Aries.

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Capricorn's get on well with Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo Scorpio and Sagittarius. They do not get along with Aries, Cancer and Libra. They have many problems with Gemini and Leo.

Is it good for a Sagittarius to go out with a Virgo Just wanted to know?

Sagittarius and Virgo are known to have difficult relationships with another.

What is the worse match for a Taurus?

virgo from my experiences is the worst compatible sign for scorpio female

What signs are compatible?

Virgo-Taurus Taurus-Capricorn Virgo-Capricorn Leo-Sagittarius Aries-Sagittarius Leo-Aries Scorpio-Cancer Cancer-Pisces Pisces-Scorpio Libra-Aquarius Aquarius-Gemini Gemini-Libra Those are the great matches, but there are other compatibility combinations

Who are Aquarius least compatible with?

That would have to vary from Aquarius to Aqaurius. They are supposly great with fellow Air signs; Libra and Gemini. And they are also great with Fire signs; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. However any sign is compatible as long as the two people are willing to work at it.

How many Sagittarius males like Virgo women?

Good question. Virgo and Sagittarius make better friends than lovers.