

Are Yorkies hard to housebreak

Updated: 10/8/2023
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14y ago

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I do know that the female yorkies are easier to train than the male yorkies

hope i helped...

Well i have a yorkie and he was easy to train. but after they get about 6 years old they are really hard to train.

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14y ago

yes they are pretty hard, here are some of my tips i do with my yorkie:

1) Frequency of bathing depends on the type of shampoo you use on your Yorkie. I use a natural shampoo on our fur babies (Yorkie Splash), and I bathe them once a week. Natural (organic) shampoos do not strip the natural oils out of the skin and hair, and bathing more frequently is okay. But, if you use a standard shampoo (one with alcohol and other chemical ingredients), it is (in my opinion) best to bathe your Yorkie about once every 2 weeks. Chemical products can remove the natural oils from the skin and hair. This can cause damage to the hair if used too frequently. But, if your Yorkie is dirty, give him a bath. I just don't suggest bathing more than once every 2 weeks with a regular shampoo if your Yorkie is not dirty.

2) Regular brushing is an important part of Yorkie grooming. Never brush a Yorkie if his coat is dry. This can cause the hair to break. When you brush your Yorkie's coat, use a spray conditioner to soften the hair. I use a diluted crème rinse in a spray bottle and spray the solution on to the brush. You should brush your Yorkie's coat daily. When brushing the hair, start at the end of the strands of hair and work your way up to the body. If you encounter a tangle or mat, do not pull on it with the brush. Use your fingers to pull apart the tangled hair (again, working from the bottom upward), then gently brush through the tangle. Be sure to check the underside of your Yorkie where the legs connect to the body - this is where most mats occur and they are easily overlooked.

3) Yorkies need special attention paid to their teeth. Yorkies, like other toy breeds, are prone to tooth decay. Regular brushing of your Yorkie's teeth is a good idea. I use regular brushing in combination with giving Greenies once a week, as well as yearly teeth cleaning by our veterinarian. There are many tooth cleaning products made for dogs, and you can find a tooth brush and paste at any pet supply store.

4) A Yorkie's nails need to be kept trimmed. You can have your vet or groomer do it for you, or, you can trim the nails yourself. I use a Millers Forge Pet Nail Clipper. It has a safety bar on it to help guide you when trimming the nails. Part of the difficulty in trimming a Yorkie's nails lies in the fact that the nails are black, and it is hard to tell where the underlying skin begins in the nail bed. If you are going to trim your Yorkie's nails yourself, it is a good idea to have some corn starch or flour on hand in case you do cut the nail too close and cause the nail to bleed. Some people prefer a styptic powder or liquid to stop a bleed (something like Kwik Stop), but, I prefer something as natural as possible. I have used a styptic pencil on myself in the past, and it burns, so I try to avoid using styptic products.

5) For younger puppies and some adults, it is necessary to keep the ear hair trimmed. This is something you can do yourself at home if you like. In order to encourage a puppy's ears to stand erect, it is important to remove the added weight of the hair on the ears. There are many different opinions on the best way to do this. Whichever way you are most comfortable with is probably the best way for you and your Yorkie puppy.

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13y ago

its easy i have a yorkie terrier every 2 hours take him or her outside and say its name and after say come on potty time keep doing that for 2 or 3 months then it will come in there head to go do its stuff outside

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No they are not, just crate train them

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