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triploblastic organisms :

1-Acoleomates: with no cavity, and three cell layers.

2-coleomates : with cavity, and surrounding with ( mesoderms )

3-pseudocoleomates : with cavity filled with fluid, and lined with ( mesoderms )

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11y ago

All coelomates are triploblastic.

However, not all triploblastic organisms are coelomates.

Triploblastic simply means an organism contains all three germ layers of tissue (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm).

A Coelomate contains a fluid filled cavity within the mesoderm tissue layer. Coelomates developed in triploblastic organisms, because in order for this fluid filled cavity to exist, the mesoderm layer must be present.

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10y ago

Yes they have a true coelom.

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