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. only 2 rhythms ARE shockable... ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation... there are other rare ones but odds are you won't see them if from the sounds of this question.

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Q: Are all cardiac rhythms shockable
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In cardiac arrest the AED defibrlillates over time?

If it is a shockable rhythm, the AED will analyze and defibrillate as needed. Continue CPR when not analyzing and/or shocking.

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It is sarcoidosis of both the heart and lungs. The heart may show abnormal rhythms on ECG.

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Very few schools will have AED machines. Generally speaking, the shockable rhythms (V-fib, V-tach) for the AED is more prevalent in adults as compared to young people / children in schools.

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Abnormality can be due to abnormal heart rhythms or cardiac muscle defects.

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Internal paddles of a defibrillating machine may be applied directly to the heart to restore normal cardiac rhythms. Injuries to the heart causing excessive bleeding (hemorrhaging) may be closed

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Abnormal heart rhythms (cardiac dysrhythmias) often occur in near-drowning cases, and the heart may stop pumping (cardiac arrest). An increase in blood acidity (acidosis) is another consequence

For which cardiac rhythm and other problems is CPR required?

The two most common heart rhythms that require CPR is ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular tachycardia is an extremely rapid cardiac rhythm and ventricular fibrillation is an abnormal cardiac rhythm. For an adult, if the person is unconscious and not breathing, CPR is required. There are numerous reasons an adult would be unconscious and not breathing; all require CPR.

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Not all unusual heart rhythms (called arrhythmias ) are dangerous or fatal.

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If will have no affect on the patient.

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There is no shockable rhythm the AED can shock for.

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