

Are all dinosaur reptials

Updated: 11/13/2022
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12y ago

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Dinosaur, meaning 'terrible lizard' specifies that yes. Dinosaurs were only reptiles, as lizards too are reptiles.

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Q: Are all dinosaur reptials
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What is the average lifespan of a dinosaur?

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Where can you find reptials?

you can find reptiles in jungles, rain forests and more, but it depends on the kind of reptile.

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No, because dinosaur bones called fossils are the skeleton of a dinosaur. The skeleton is there because all dinosaurs are extinct.

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No, reptiles are not warm blooded. Apart from one or two exceptions, all reptiles are cold blooded.

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The best dinosaur to have is an eoraptor it can use all elements, plus it's a sercret dinosaur. Here's how to get it. You need 72 normal dinosaurs in your encylopedia

Can a dinosaur love?

Of course a Dinosaur can love. It was a living thing and all animals and people are capable of loving.

Is a dinosaur a cold blooded animal?

A dinosaur is a type of reptile, and like all reptiles, it is cold-blooded.

Dinosaur king how do you get ex dinosaur?

To get Eoraptor, you must get all 72 regular dinosurs (Tyrannosaurus to Gojirasaurus)

Is a steam shovel like a dinosaur?

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