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Depends where you 'sit' with the narcissist. If you are Supply, and you like nice things, dinners out etc, then they are very, VERY generous. ie If the Narcissist in your life is your boss, they will advise you how you can claim expenses, pay for your lunch etc. If they are your lover, they will buy you flowers, treat you to a surprise gift, support your choice of home to 'jointly own'. I they are a parent, they will buy you your entire Xmas list, spoil your children, and your spouse/partner, treat you. In the early stages, it will be to impress YOU. Later, it will be done to impress your family / colleagues / friends. The overwhelming reason is to make themselves - not you - feel superior.


If you are no longer in favor (for reasons they have said or ones you have absolutely no idea about, but to them there is justification for discarding / mistreating you), they will ENSURE you get the reverse of their prior treatment. i

To summarize, the early stages nothing is too much. The latter stages they will ensure not only do you miss out on their prior generosity, but moreso, you haven't appreciated his supremacy, SO YOU MUST SUFFER.

Trouble is, you wont realize whats going on in the early stages, it's just the latter stage that gives you your wake up call. Its all part of the 'Idealize, devalue & discard' cycle.

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