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Q: Are all rainforests near the water?
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Are all rainforests are found near the equator true or false?

There are two types of rainforests: the tropical rainforest and the temperate rainforest. The tropical rainforest is found near the equator, where the temperate rainforest is found elsewhere.

Where are all the rainforests of the world?

All of the worlds rainforests, are spread out around the globe, near the equator line. Hence all rain forests are in Asia, Africa and South America.

Where in the world can you still find a Margay?

Margays, which are Near Threatened but not yet Endangered, can be found from the rainforests of Mexico all the way down to the rainforests of Argentina.

In what part of the world are rainforests located?

Rainforests are mostly located near the Equator, but there are also rainforests in other parts of the world.

Why do rainforests occur near the 10 degree latitude?

Rainforests occur near the 10 degree latitude because they need lots of rain.

What climate does the Brazilian tapir like?

it likes very warm,wet climates. That is why they usually live near water or in the rainforests.

Where are rain forestes?

Where Are Rainforests Located?Tropical rainforests are located near the equator. Fifty seven percent of all tropical rainforests are found in Latin America. One third of the world's tropical rainforests are in Brazil. Other tropical rainforests are located in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands (25% of the world's tropical rainforests) and West Africa (18%).

What you get from rainforests?

the water

Near which line of longitude are Australian rainforests found?

The equater

What is the tropical rainforest near?

there are alpine biomes and savanna biomes near tropical rainforests.

Where are rain forests located?

Where Are Rainforests Located?Tropical rainforests are located near the equator. Fifty seven percent of all tropical rainforests are found in Latin America. One third of the world's tropical rainforests are in Brazil. Other tropical rainforests are located in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands (25% of the world's tropical rainforests) and West Africa (18%).

Where in northamerica can you find temperate rainforests?

near the pacific north westp