

Are all sea animals mammals

Updated: 3/16/2020
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12y ago

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No, all sea animals are not mammals. Fishes are not mammals, but dolphins are mammals.

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Q: Are all sea animals mammals
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Are humans mammals or animals?

Both. Humans are animals in the order Mammalia. All mammals are animals, but not all animals are mammals.

Are all sea animals fish?

No, not all sea animals are fish. For instance, whales are not fish, they are actually mammals, like a giraffe or...well you get the point. There are coral, octopus, crabs, seals, sea snakes, mollusks there are an unless variety of sea animals that are not fish.

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Practically all except for whales and dolphins, and marine birds if you count those as sea animals. Only mammals and birds are endothermic.

Which animals is a mammals but live in the sea?

the whale

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In Antarctica where do all the animals travel to?

No animals live on Antarctica. All sea animals -- mammals and birds -- that breed on Antarctica's beaches, return to their homes in the sea once their babies are fledged or become self-sufficient.

Are opossum animals or mammals?

possums are BOTH! mammals ARE animals! all mammals, reptiles, and amphibians and so on are ALL animals.

Do all mammals live in sea?

no...we are mammals

What animals are sea vertebrates?

Vertebrate sea animals include all marine mammals, birds, fish and reptiles (vertebrates also include amphibians, but these do not tend to be sea animals). They include animals such as whales, dolphins, penguins, albatrosses, turtles, sharks, swordfish, sea snakes, etc.

How do Antarctica animals live?

There are no animals that live in Antarctica. Sea mammals and sea birds visit Antarctic'a beaches to breed.

Can all sea animals die if they have been out of the sea for too long?

Sometimes- only the actual sea animals like fish and some invertibrates but the mammals that live in the sea actually have to come up for air every now and again.

What are the migration patterns in Antarctica?

There are no land animals there, but the sea mammals and sea birds that breed on Antarctica's beaches are not necessarily migratory animals.