

Are all the desert animals an ecosystem?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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no.... it depends what you mean... but technically no...

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Q: Are all the desert animals an ecosystem?
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Why is a desert an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a place where plants and animals ( maybe humans ) live and animals and plants live in the desert so … 

Why is a desert a ecosystem?

It's an Ecosystem because it helps so animals and insects survive.

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The desert ecosystem has all the same seasons as any normal place it is just warm all the time.

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well yes because plants and animals live there.

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The major ecosystem in this desert is "Terrestrial ecosystem" .

How does a desert ecosystem change?

yes from dry to dryer

Are coyotes in the desert ecosystem?

The desert does have an ecosystem. Although it does not have as much life as other ecosytems, things still live and even thrive in a desert environment.

How does the desert ecosystem change over time?

over time, it will change by the weather that the desert has or the animals that will come in from time to time. as you may know, only certain animals live in it. so yes, it changes with the weather, the animals, and how things grow in the desert

Does every ecosystem have to have an egg?

yes every ecosystem have eggs the animals have to lay eggs estuaries ocean desert lake ocean every one