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No, the Tsunami's were caused by the earthquake in Japan.

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Q: Are all the tsunamis over the coasts caused by the tsunami by japan?
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Did the tsunami in Japan affect the current weather in California?

No. The tsunami did reach California and caused some damage there, but tsunamis do not affect weather.

Is the tsunami in the Japan 2011 the deadliest in Japan?

The Japan tsunami of 2011 was one of the worst tsunamis in 140 years!

What was the epicentre of the recent big tsunami in Japan?

Tsunamis do not have epicentres. Earthquakes do. Sometimes, as in the case of Japan, earthquakes cause tsunamis.

How many tsunamis are in japan?

there are three types of tsunami:

From which country do we get the word tsunami?

Japan. we get the word Tsunami from japam because it is frequently observed along the eastern coasts of japan

Can people cause tsunamis?

This is hard to answer because of the definition of tsunami. Certainly people are not able to create tsunamis like the one that struck Japan recently. However some tsunamis are small and of little note. Since tsunamis can be caused by underwater faults, small faults and thus small water pulses can be caused by the pumping of oil from under the sea. Also, the hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll caused a tsunami like wave. I'm not sure whether is was considered an official tsunami, but some definitions say tsunamis are generated by any large, impulsive displacement of the sea level. The hydrogen bomb certainly caused a large, impulsive displacement of the sea level so by this definition it caused a tsunami.

What are hot spots for tsunamis?

Japan and Sumatra is one of tsunami's hotspot

Did the tsunamis in japan get worse starting in 2012 to 2017?

No. Japan was devastated by a tsunami in 2011 but has not had a significant tsunami since. It is, however, still dealing with the aftermath of the 2011 tsunami.

Which country have tsunami before?

Yes. Japan has had numerous tsunamis. The word "tsunami" is originally Japanese.

Could the japan tsunami affect UK weather?

No. Tsunamis do not affect the weather.

Is japan tsunami related to recent solar flares?

No. Solar flares have nothing to do with tsunamis.

How many tsunami have hit japan?

195 tsunamis have hit japan in total