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Yes! Amines are much better nucleophiles than alcohols. The oxygen-hydrogen bond of alcohols is characterized by a strong induction effect as oxygen is an electronegative atom. Nitrogen is less electronegative than oxygen and so is not able to accommodate negative charges. Nitrogen as a nucleophile or base is less stable and therefore more reactive.

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6d ago

Yes, amines are generally better nucleophiles than alcohols due to the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom, which is more available for donation compared to the oxygen atom in alcohols. Amines can readily donate these electrons to form new bonds in chemical reactions.

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Q: Are amines better nucleophiles than alcohols?
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Why do aldehydes and ketones have lower boiling points than their correspending alcohols?

Aldehydes and ketones have lower boiling points than their corresponding alcohols because aldehydes and ketones have weaker intermolecular hydrogen bonding due to the absence of -OH groups. The presence of -OH groups in alcohols allows for stronger hydrogen bonding between molecules, leading to higher boiling points.

Why is aliphatic amines stronger bases than aromatic amines?

Aliphatic amines are stronger bases than aromatic amines because the lone pair on the nitrogen atom in aliphatic amines is more available for donation due to the absence of resonance effects that stabilize the lone pair in aromatic amines. This makes aliphatic amines more likely to accept protons and act as bases.

Why are amines lighter than water?

Amines are lighter than water because they have lower molecular weights compared to water molecules. This difference in molecular weight leads to differences in density, where amines are less dense than water, causing them to float on top of water.

Why primary amines have higher boiling point than tertiary amines?

Primary amines have hydrogen bonding between the amine nitrogen and hydrogen atoms, increasing their boiling point compared to tertiary amines that do not have this hydrogen bonding potential. This results in primary amines having stronger intermolecular forces, requiring more energy to break these bonds and reach the boiling point.

Which is more volatile alcohols or organic acids?

Alcohols are typically more volatile than organic acids because alcohols have lower molecular weights and fewer functional groups that contribute to volatility. Organic acids have additional functional groups, such as carboxylic acid groups, that tend to reduce their volatility compared to alcohols.

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Why do aldehydes and ketones have lower boiling points than their correspending alcohols?

Aldehydes and ketones have lower boiling points than their corresponding alcohols because aldehydes and ketones have weaker intermolecular hydrogen bonding due to the absence of -OH groups. The presence of -OH groups in alcohols allows for stronger hydrogen bonding between molecules, leading to higher boiling points.

Why is aliphatic amines stronger bases than aromatic amines?

Aliphatic amines are stronger bases than aromatic amines because the lone pair on the nitrogen atom in aliphatic amines is more available for donation due to the absence of resonance effects that stabilize the lone pair in aromatic amines. This makes aliphatic amines more likely to accept protons and act as bases.

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DNA does not dissolve on Alcohols. It is better to store it in cold temp. for it not to denature

Why primary amines have higher boiling point than tertiary amines?

Primary amines have hydrogen bonding between the amine nitrogen and hydrogen atoms, increasing their boiling point compared to tertiary amines that do not have this hydrogen bonding potential. This results in primary amines having stronger intermolecular forces, requiring more energy to break these bonds and reach the boiling point.

What hydrocarbons are acids and alcohols?

None - hydrocarbons are chemically different than acids and alcohols

Polyhydroxyl alcohols are alcohols with more than one hydroxyl group attached to a carbon sequence?


Why aromatic alcohols are more acidic than aliphatic alcohols?

aromatic alcohols undergo resonance which stabilizes the conjugate base, in aliphatic alcohols +I effect of alkyl group increase the -ve charge in the conjugate base thus make it unstable

Why are alcohols considered as weak acids?

Alcohols are considered weak acids because they can donate a proton (H+) from the hydroxyl group, but do so relatively weakly compared to stronger acids. This is because the carbon-hydroxyl bond is relatively stable, making it harder for the proton to dissociate from the molecule.

Why are amines lighter than water?

Amines are lighter than water because they have lower molecular weights compared to water molecules. This difference in molecular weight leads to differences in density, where amines are less dense than water, causing them to float on top of water.

Amides are less basic than amines because?

amides have a resonance stabilization due to the delocalization of the lone pair on nitrogen with the carbonyl group, which reduces the availability of the lone pair for protonation. In contrast, amines do not have this resonance stabilization and their lone pair is more readily available for protonation, making them more basic than amides.

Which is more volatile alcohols or organic acids?

Alcohols are typically more volatile than organic acids because alcohols have lower molecular weights and fewer functional groups that contribute to volatility. Organic acids have additional functional groups, such as carboxylic acid groups, that tend to reduce their volatility compared to alcohols.

What are solid alcohols?

Alcohols with melting point higher than 20 °C. Eg. dodecan-1-ol (C12H25OH): Mp. 24 °C