

Are animals not affected by radiation?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Yes, all animals are affected by radiation.

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Q: Are animals not affected by radiation?
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Are animals are not affected by radiation true or false?

false. All animals are affected by radiation. Some can withstand more than others like cockroaches.

How radiation affected by surface temperature?

Nuclear radiation is not affected at all, but radiation by Electromagnetic Radiation is. This is a straight Physics topic, not Nuclear Energy.

What part of the atom is affected in radiation?

The electron is affected in radiation. The electron orbit is changed.

Do animals get affected by nuclear energy?

Animals, by which I assume you mean warmblooded mammals mainly, will suffer similar biological damage as humans through ionising radiation.

How were the plant humans and animals affected due to Nagasaki and Hiroshima bomb?

The plants, animals, and humans in Nagasaki and Hiroshima were severely impacted by the atomic bombs dropped during World War II. The intense heat, radiation exposure, and widespread destruction led to immediate deaths, injuries, and long-term health effects. The environment was also contaminated, affecting the ecosystems and overall biodiversity in the region for years to come.

Can high velocity neutrons path be affected by radiation or magnetism?

Neutron's path is not affected by radiation or magnetism.

Which one conduction convection or radiation is affected by color?

Radiation is the form of heat transfer affected by color. Dark colors absorb more thermal radiation than light colors, so they heat up faster when exposed to sunlight. Light colors reflect more radiation, resulting in lower heat absorption.

Animals are affected by radiation true or false why?

Yes they are. Simpler life forms have more resistance. Radiation catalyses mutations in the DNA sequences of organisms. This is why you can get cancer from radiation (e.g. skin cancer from ultra-violet radiation) because cancer is caused by mutations in multicellular organisms.

What ionizing radiation is not affected by an electric field?

No electromagnetic radiation, whether ionizing or not, is affected by an electric field or by a magnetic field.

What glands are affected by radiation and why?

all of them

Why do the ruins of the Chernobyl disaster need to be sealed?

The meltdown of the reactor caused massive release of radiation that will last for another 1,000 years. People, crops, and animals when affected by radiation become sick, have deformities, and the crops pass on the radiation when eaten. The area is not safe to live in.

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