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None of the Ingalls family members who were fictionalized in "Little House on the Prairie" are still alive. Laura Ingalls Wilder, whose life inspired the series, passed away in 1957.

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Is any relative alive of Rose Wilder Lane?

No none of the Ingalls or Wilders family is still alive. Rose is the last one.

How old will Laura Ingalls Wilder be tomorrow?

Laura Ingalls Wilder passed away in 1957, so she will not be turning any age tomorrow.

Are any of Laura ingalls relatives still alive?

As of now, there are no known living relatives of Laura Ingalls Wilder. She passed away in 1957, and any direct descendants or relatives would likely belong to previous generations.

Is any of Laura ingalls wilders siblings still alive?

No. Laura was the last surviving member of her family, and she died in February of 1957.

Is Laura Ingalls still alive?

No, she died in February 1957.

Are any of Laura ingalls wilders family alive?

No, all members of Laura Ingalls Wilder's immediate family have passed away. Laura Ingalls Wilder was known for writing the "Little House on the Prairie" book series based on her childhood experiences.

Who was president when Laura Ingalls Wilder was alive?

Laura Ingalls Wilder was alive during the presidencies of Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover.

How old is Laura Ingalls Wilder write now in 2010?

Laura Ingalls Wilder passed away in 1957, so she would not be alive in 2010.

Is Tupac still alive secretly?

No, he did not fake his death.

Did any members of the ingalls go blind?

Mary Ingalls went blind at age 15 from scarlet fever.

Are there any ingalls wilder left?

No, Laura Ingalls Wilder passed away in 1957. She is survived by her descendants.

Did Mary ingalls wilder fake her blindness?

It has not been definitively proven that Mary Ingalls Wilder faked her blindness. In her autobiography, Laura Ingalls Wilder describes Mary's bout of scarlet fever that eventually led to her blindness. Some scholars have speculated that it may have been a misdiagnosis or a different illness altogether.